General Info
Dr Doug Hill
General Practitioner
Dr Douglas Hill was born in Dunedin but spent the first few years of his life living in England and America.
His family returned to New Zealand when he was age 7 to live in Auckland.
He studied and graduated at Auckland Medical School. Once his training was complete he moved to Dunedin and married Jennifer who was at Otago Medical School
Doug completed Junior Doctor training at Dunedin Hospital focusing mainly on orthopaedics, gynaecology and paediatrics.
Doug started out as a rural GP in Palmerston, East Otago.
In 2002 the opportunity came for Doug to join the team at Broadway and he bought Dr Jack Chin’s share of the practice.
As well as the wide variety of experiences that General Practice offers Doug also has special interests in minor surgery, musculoskeletal injuries, child and maternal health.
Outside of medicine Doug enjoys all sports and regularly goes mountain biking and plays golf. Doug and Jennifer have four children and are involved in the local Baptist Church.
Currently not accepting new patients
GPSI - Orthopaedics
Dr Doug Hill has a special interest in musculoskeletal (relating to muscles and skeleton) injuries. He provides an assessment that is currently for ACC funded injuries under the ACC GPSI contract. This service is available on referral from your usual General Practitioner.
- GPSI's are able to access all diagnostic facilities available to secondary care clinicians (Specialists). Clinical training for the GPSI's is provided by the Orthopaedic Consultants at Dunedin Hospital.
- Under the GPSI service, patients are diagnosed and a treatment plan is made. Patients referred to a GPSI receive high-quality, timely, efficient and effective care.
- Patients referred to a GPSI are seen a maximum of three times, thereafter they are referred to a secondary care clinician, or returned to their GP for ongoing management.
GPSI - Skin Cancer
A skin lesion is a superficial growth or patch of the skin that does not resemble the area surrounding it.
Dr Doug Hill provides skin cancer surgery for private paying patients, and some surgeries are free under the PHO Skin Lesion GPSI contract funded through the WellSouth Primary Health Network.
- The skin lesion GPSI has surgical skills and training for minor surgical procedures which in some cases may have been referred to secondary care clinicians (Specialists).
- The waiting time is less which means patients are seen sooner and it also reduces hospital waiting lists.
- This can range from a simple punch biopsy to larger procedures including reconstructive flaps.
If you are not a patient at Broadway Medical Centre then appointments for this can usually be made on referral from your usual General Practitioner.